Choosing Second Half of Life

There are a lot of ways to ‘do life’ and many paths we can follow. In first have of life I started out following the ‘normal’ pattern through college. After high school I went to college and graduated in 4 years. Then I got a full time job…

So far so good, but that is where my path seemed to diverge from many of my friends. They got married, they began a family, they bought a house, some women stayed home with kids, others juggled a career and family. Most of the men worked full time.

I, on the other hand, stayed single until I was 51. When I was 23 I decided to buy a house myself. (Little did I know that only 5 years earlier a law passed that allowed a single woman to buy a house without a man signing as part of the loan.) Then I diverged further by not finding the 8-5/40 hr work week appealing. So since I was 25 I’ve not held a regular 40 hr a week job but I have fully supported myself….serving in the church, starting businesses, and working multiple part-time jobs. Multiple streams of income.

So first half of life can be done in a variety of ways. Maybe you are the kind of person who just drifts through life doing what comes into your path. Or maybe you are the kind of person who has a clear dream and pushes the envelope to make it happen.

From what I’ve seen of second half of life there may be even more diverse paths that can be chosen. Each of us has the choice to simply drift into the future or to intentionally create our Second Half of Life.  SHOL is a very intentional journey.

What might your second half of life look like? What choices are you making now that will make that a reality instead of just wishful thinking?

This blog is dedicated to help you think about the various choices you may be wrestling with and the decisions you can make to live fully in second half of life.


About Jeannette Slater

Jeannette comes to Second Half of Life with a rich history having been born and raised in central Africa and traveled widely. Her 20 years as a personal coach has given her deep insights into life's many paths and choices. Her own path has had many unexpected twists and turns and after 28 years of living in the Arizona desert, has led her to settle in Goshen IN with her husband Nathan.
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