The SHOL Wheel

In life coaching, we use a tool called the Wheel of Life. It looks like a wheel with spokes and the spaces between the spokes are labeled with various important categories of life. You can rate your satisfaction in each area which is then grounds for coaching to improve those areas that are lacking.

As I thought about starting this blog I reviewed several different life wheels and considered what categories will be important in Second Half of Life (SHOL). Although many categories remained, I saw a few that were obsolete and a few that needed to be added.

What was clear was that the questions and focus of each category had to shift. Questions for SHOL would look something like this

  • What are your priorities for Second Half of Life/retirement?
  • What has served you well but seems to be ‘not working’ anymore?
  • Which changes do you feel are ‘the new normal’ and which challenges will you engage in order to have the life you desire?
  • What changes/decisions have you been resisting making because they seem unpleasant or too difficult?
  • What are you holding on to that is preventing you from moving forward?
  • Who do you know who will support you in your changes?

So here are the categories I would choose in my SHOL Wheel in no particular order

  • Health
  • Finances
  • Spirituality/personal growth
  • Vocation/avocation
  • Housing
  • Recreation
  • Giving back
  • Lifestyle
  • Family
  • Community

These then will be the primary topics of this blog. If I’m missing something critical, please let me know. Maybe we’ll discover more together.


About Jeannette Slater

Jeannette comes to Second Half of Life with a rich history having been born and raised in central Africa and traveled widely. Her 20 years as a personal coach has given her deep insights into life's many paths and choices. Her own path has had many unexpected twists and turns and after 28 years of living in the Arizona desert, has led her to settle in Goshen IN with her husband Nathan.
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