About Me

Jeannette B Slater

I am fascinated by the adventure of life! I love reflecting on the many twists and turns of life and digging out the gold nuggets of learning in each step of the journey. I have no illusions about life being easy but I do believe that how we decide to engage life makes a huge difference in who we become through the adventure.

Personally I’m living into my 6th decade of life and still enjoying the journey.In my ‘previous lives’ I have been a laboratory technician, scientist, nutrition counselor, house painter, minister, trainer/instructor, for 20 years served as a personal coach for leaders, business owner, and Realtor/landlord. The last three are concurrent and current.

I am married to a wonderful supportive man and have a plethora of friends who are also fully engaged in life with whom I walk.  I have been well loved and supported by them and have learned so much from them. This blog is a testament to our journey together.

Jeannette Buller Slater
Phoenix, Arizona


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