Category Archives: Uncategorized
Big Changes in 2025 and Beyond
We are clearly in a season of change and change is often difficult. But the change that is in the works is not incremental change that allows us to slowly adjust to what is c oming down the pike. I … Continue reading
The SHOL Wheel
In life coaching, we use a tool called the Wheel of Life. It looks like a wheel with spokes and the spaces between the spokes are labeled with various important categories of life. You can rate your satisfaction in each … Continue reading
Choosing Second Half of Life
There are a lot of ways to ‘do life’ and many paths we can follow. In first have of life I started out following the ‘normal’ pattern through college. After high school I went to college and graduated in 4 … Continue reading
What Is Second Half of Life?
And why a blog on second half of life? The phrase “second half of life” came to me through a teacher I have followed named Richard Rohr. Rohr is a Franciscan priest who has articulated the concept in his book … Continue reading