How can I serve you?

In talking to friends and acquaintances I realized that many of us Boomers and even some GenXers are hitting this sometimes bewildering season of moving from first half to second half of life.  Most of us have had good lives and we’re shocked or at least a little surprised that the ground is now shifting under our feet one more time.

I don’t know if this is something relatively new in our generation – we are a generation that did not allow moss to grow under out feet. We’ve moved a lot – not just physically but we have changed jobs, often multiple times (see my journey in About Me), we’ve lived in a time when we have been encouraged to understand our inner workings and ask questions that have moved us in different directions from our parents generation and some of us have moved families through divorce.

So how we are making the shift to this Second Half of Life will be unique.

As a coach, I want to come along side those on this journey to help in several ways 1) Give some perspective to the change dynamics you are experiencing 2) Help you ask the right questions to find your way through 3) encourage you to dream about a future that may be quite different than the life you’ve lived 4) give you ‘permission’ to make necessary changes 5) support you on your way.

I’m hoping the blogs written by me and others with whom I journey will do this. I’m also opening to individual and couple coaching (which can be done long-distance).

Let me know how I can serve you.

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